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Photo Animations


Pasang Gambar Animasi Di Sudut Blog

Dikuasakan olehTerjemahkan

 letakan kode berikut di Rancangan,dan klik tulisan Add New Widget atau Tambah Gadget

Membuat Back To Top ( kembali keatas) Dengan 

Membuat Tombol Back To Top 
Menggunakan JavaScript.

<div style="bottom: 200px; height: 150px; left: 10px; position: fixed; width: 220px;">
<a href="http://gue-galau.blogspot.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://fitr4y.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/eagle2.gif" /></a></div><script src="http://gue-galau.googlecode.com/files/gue-galauMP3player.js" type="text/javascript">
</script><script type="text/javascript">

merah ganti dengan link kalian
kuning ganti dengan url gambar kalian













Facebook Graph API


facebook graph API

Updated: Senen, 8 Agustus 2011 jam 20:26

Facebook Graph API (News feed)

simpen di gadget HTML/JAVASCRIPT .

hasil nya kaya gini gan

script bole ramppok

semoga tidakberhasil





Dial Code


Holiday Calendar


Sports Calendar


Random Background


silakan eloh copy script di bawah ini ...

Random background

nanti lo simpen di gadget html/javascript

eNbe :

kLO mao ganti background nnah ,,

tinggal ubah URL gambarnya ...

Register Menu


Updated: Kamis, 16 February 2012 jam 12:21

scrool bar versi blog

Updated: Minggu, 31 July 2011 jam 01:07

nanti jadi nya kaya gini sOB ...

buat nulis judul nyehh ...

semoga tidak berhasil



My Links

To get your link listed here, kindly :
1. Add my link on your site first.
2. Tell me that you have added the link by adding a comment below, then
3. I’ll add your site link on this page

ps :
* All links above are dofollow for sure ;)
* I will check the backlink at your site periodically, whenever the link is gone or your site can not be reached, your link will also be removed from the list (sorry).


50 popular blogger widgetsBlogger is emerging as a powerful opponent to rest of the CMS platforms like wordpress and all. MBT has always created and promoted widgets and plugins for sites on blogger. So as a regular MBT reader myself, I have selected some of the best widgets developed so far for BlogSpot blogs, which I believe every blog must have. We are presenting a collection of 50 handpicked most trending plugins and widgets exclusively for blogger. I bet You can't afford to miss this post! ;)


50 Trending Widgets Collection

#1: Fancy Blogger Threaded Commenting System

Fancy blogger threaded comments

Ah! I loved this. One of the finest creation of MBT and Mohammad. Threaded comments add breath to your comments which makes it more appealing and gives an easy look who is talking to whom. Shows users and Admin in different highlighted style and contains automatic comment counts also!
Install Now!

#2: Table of Contents

table of contents for blogger

Google is just 50% boss! So, after you have successfully created sitemap for robots, why not create a sliding dropdown sitemap for your users too? Give them user friendly experience while browsing through your site!
Install Now!

#3: Popular Posts with Counter!

auto numbered popular posts

Popular posts serve your users best way to navigate through trending articles on your website. And when the widget is styled by MBT, then who dares not to visit your posts? :) Grab this cool widget through the link below!
Install Now!

#4: Contact Form

custom blogger contact form

There you go. A way users can use to contact you without giving out your email id to them. A beautiful contact form is really appreciated. Get going and install this form on your blogger blogs right away...!
Install Now! [Part 1]
Install Now! [Part 2]

#5: Accordion Dropdown Widget

popular series widget for blogger
This is also a great invention by MBT. A smooth sliding dropdown widget in your footer will sparkle out your whole site. You can place your own links, categories, or anything you want. Useful for display long list of posts or related articles in series. So, what are you waiting for?
Install Now!

#6: Download Counter

download counter for blogger

Great plugin for people who are looking to record stats for their downloads. Though you can use some popular sites like box.com or dropbox.com to record your download stats, still, this plugin makes your task easier by letting you know your download stats on the go!
Install Now!

#7: HootSuite For Blogger

hootsuite for blogger

The popular app HootSuite is launched for Bloggers. So why are you still here guys? Go on and install this cool and useful application to your site as soon as possible! Follow the link:
Install Now!

#8: AdSense Booster Plugin

Adsense Booster

A great plugin developed by STC Network which allows adding your adsense ads right after <!---more--> tag in blogger which breaks your content into some part. This plugin will surely boost your CTR earnings!
Install Now!

#9: Post View Counter

count post views in blogger

The new blogger dashboard already show you post views in the Post section. But this plugin would allow you to show that off to your visitors! A great handy plugin to show off how popular you are!
Install Now!

#10: URL Redirection

url redirection

Nice plugin to redirect users to a demo site through your links. Give out a professional feeling and view. Must install plugin if you are on blogger and share downloadable resources. This is trick applied by all Blogger/Wordpress Template Sharing sites to let users stay inside the root domain.
Install Now!

#11: Facebook Activity Feed Plugin

facebook activity for blogger blogs

Yet another great plugin by MBT to inform your users about recent happenings on Facebook around you. Grab it now.
Install Now!

#12: Blogger Notification Bar

sticky bar for blogger

Finest creation by MBT, a great fixed floating notification bar for blogger. I'd love to add this to my site is it was on blogger (but its not!) So, go ahead, and add this one too..
Install Now!

#13: Linkwithin Black Skin Version

custom linkwithin theme

Linkwithin is a popular widget through which you can display popular posts in your website. What about sprinkling a little CSS style over it? It will look great!
Install Now!

#14: Google+ Followers Gadget For Blogger

googleplus widget for blogger

Yet another great discovery by Mohammad. Adding Google+ followers gadget to your site will help you to show off world how popular you are. Go ahead and add this one also.
Install Now!

#15: Archives Calendar

Arhcives Calendar for blogger

MBT is back with its CSS3 magic to do with your calenders. What can be better than to convert your simple, ugly, dull dropdown archive menu into a stylish, dashing, and cool archivo calender? Go on!
Install Now!

#16: Floating Colorful Navigation Menu

colorful navigation

I liked this one too. Lightweight, easy to load, easy to customize, and 100% working. Designed by Mohammad.  You should give it a try and I guarantee you won't be disappointed with the results!
Install Now!

#17: Massive Sharing Widget

sharing box for blogger

A piece of good work by mohammad. This widget would allow your visitors to share your content to their suitable social profiles as this widget provides a wide range of social profiles. Go now or never!
Install Now!

#18: Beautiful Label Cloud

custom tags for blogger

This post really shows how CSS can change the overall look of any element on a web page. If you are looking for an attractive label/tag collection, go ahead and follow this tutorial.
Install Now!

#19: Facebook Recommendation Box

facebook recommendation for blogger

Officially from facebook, there is no tutorial to add it to blogger, but MBT has converted this for blogger too! Boost your reputation and traffic by getting shared and liked on facebook!
Install Now!

#20: Expand/Collapse Blogger Comment Box

expand collpase blogger comments

Great jQuery tutorial to save space and give a stunning look to your comments. Add a nice smooth scrolling effects to your default blogger commenting system. Will not work with threaded comments but the default comment style using no nested comments.
Install Now!

#21: Touch Me Sharing Buttons


Sharing buttons for blogger. All icons are created and crafted by MBT
Install Now!

#22: Flipper Sharing Buttons

flipper sharing buttons

Sharing buttons for blogger. Uses MBT's flipper Icon Set to force visitors to share your article on popular social media networks.
Install Now!

#23: Floating sharing bar

floating sharing bar

Awesome floating sharing bar for blogger posts and/or homepage. Install it and see a significant increase in your traffic!
Install Now!

#24: Auto Guest Author Box

author box

Having too much guest authors? Tired of adding links in every post? Try out this automatic author box fix created by MBT:
Install Now!

#25: Multi Level Drop Down Menu

multi level drop down

Got lots of stuff on your site? Over spacing? Try this out. So much room in this menu, you'll never find an end!
Install Now!

#26: Collapsible jQuery Sticky Bar

A jQuery based sticky bar for Blogger. Give it a try!
Install Now!

#27: Do You Like This Story?

An old but gold widget by MBT which is to be placed at bottom of the post which requests visitor to like and share the post to promote the site.
Install Now!

#28: Facebook LikeBox jQuery Popup

facebook popup

Notify your visitors that you are available on facebook and request them to share them on their profiles. Add a pop up facebook like box to your blogger blog now!
Install Now!

#29: Blogger Sitemap Generator

automatic blogger sitemap generator

Your first PHP Tool Mohammad? Congo! :P Okay. This simplifies the process of searching for your sitemap and submitting it to various search engines. Try it.
Try Now!

#30: Thumbs Up Rating For Blogger!

like/dislike rating widget

Let your visitors thumbs up or thumbs down your post! Install a widget which would allow your visitors to leave their views without comments!
Install Now!

#31: Pure CSS3 Drop Down Menu

css3 drop down menu

Looking for elegant dropdown menu but no compromise with site speed? Here's the latest CSS3 technology to help you out!
Install Now!

#32: jQuery Facebook Pop Up Like Box

jquery facebook popup box

Add a jQuery Facebook pop up like box to your blogger blog! Used by thousands of mbt readers to this time. Contains a subscription box also.
Install Now!

#33: Sharing Buttons

Show sharing buttons just below all posts titles for blogger.
Install Now!

#34: Floating Facebook Likebox

Add more exposure to your blog. Facebook like box.
Install Now!

#35: Related Posts Slides

Show wordpress like related posts slides on your blogger blog.
Install Now!

#36: Fluid Text Resizer

Add a convinent method for your visitors to zoom in or zoom out the text on your site. Add this widget!
Install Now!

#37: Scrolling Back To Top

Add a smooth scrolling back to top button to your site with smooth jQuery effects.
Install Now!

#38: Image Gallery For Blogger

Add a good, small, lightweight image gallery to your site with some great controls such as Pause/play.
Install Now!

#39: Custom Flash Movie Play

Kick out YouTube player and add your very own flash player to your website (blogger blog)
Install Now!

#40: MP3 Player

Create your own MP3 Player for your blog! Great one!
Install Now!

#41: Syntax Highlighter

Add a stunning syntax highlighter to your blogger blog. Adapted from wordpress versions.
Install Now!

#42: jQuery Image Slider For Blogger

Add a beautiful jQuery image slider for your blog. Easily editable and highly user friendly.
Install Now!

#43: PayPal Donate Button

Add a stunning paypal donate button with some spicy text below each posts so that you can pay your hosting bills!
Install Now!

#44: Random Ad Banners

Space low for advertisements? Install a random ad banner and display any ad anytime! The ads will auto rotate on page refresh.
Install Now!

#45: Beautiful Footer

Add an awesome 3 column footer to your blogger blog. Must have footer!
Install Now!

#46: Multi-Tab Widget

Add a full customization ready multi tab widget to your blogger blog to impress each and every visitor visiting your blog!
Install Now!

#47: Feedback Buttons

Add cool floating feedback widget to your website to know what your visitors think about you!
Install Now!

#48: Flying Twitter Bird

Add a cute flying twitter bird on your blogger blog!
Install Now!

#49: Zemanta For Blogger

Install this popular software on your blogger blog and experience a new way to write posts! However Mohammad recently explained 6 SEO drawbacks of this plugin which you must read also before using it.
Install Now!

#50: Pin It Button

Add a pinterest Pin It counter button to your blog! Must try widget! :)
Install Now

Your Views?

We shared some cool widgets developed by MBT. I hope you find this listing useful. If I have missed mentioning any MBT widget, please do remind us by leaving your precious comments. And don't forget to share this post with your friends to let everyone benefit form these free resources. Good day!


Guest Post by Mehul Mohan, a loyal reader and contributor of MBT blog. Mehul loves sharing articles on Wordpress, blogger and SEO. You can follow him via his blog MyPremiumTricks

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