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10 Underestimated Ways of Making Money Online


May 12, 2013



10 Underestimated Ways of Making Money Online

underestimated ways to make moneyMaking money online and earning your livings via your laptop is becoming one of the most popular earning methods. Statistics have shown that there has been a significant increase in the number of people who are cashing their talent by utilizing the online platform, which for sure is a good replacement of any other real world job.

It is interesting to find that when you question people about all the possible online earning strategies available, all you come across is either blogging or freelancing. There are no doubts about the significance of the two; yet, it is to be remembered now that with the spreading awareness among the potential entrepreneurs, the two stated fields are becoming saturated and complicated. If you look forward to build your blog, you need reasons; pretty good to attract your potential readers, as it is, there are more than a billion sites that are running on the same niche as yours. Similarly, now that freelancing is turning into a giant monster, every next person is known as a freelancer which in turn has created a tough competitive freelance market.

If you have tried your luck as a blogger or a freelancer and failed to attain effective results, all you need to do is to check out the huge list of alternates. Although there are trillions of ways to make money online, here are 10 underestimated ways to earn online.

1) Cash your Talent at Fiverr

No matter how magical your words are, no matter how dedicated you are towards your online business, your start-up earning a day is no more than $2-3 a day as an average. How about bidding your talent for $5 all in all? If the idea sounds decent enough, here comes Fiverr.com at your rescue.

images (22)
Fiverr is a site that allows you to offer your services (whether be of any type) for $5. The members can sell their gigs to people and can buy the services for the same price too.

According to a research that I did few months back, there are all possibilities that a member can earn more than $200 a month through Fiverr. The site deducts $1 as the service charges and the seller gets his $4 through PayPal easily.

Therefore if you are an interesting person and have got a command on something special, creative and worth showing-off, register yourself for free at Fiverr, and enjoy some extra income as a start-up.

2) Use SEOclecks and make money

If you are looking for better SEO services other than Fiverr and searching for affordable SEO services with quality, then do not hesitate to check this out! SEOclerks is an amazing micro job website, you may find many micro job offering sites but what stands it different from others is that, here you can buy affordable SEO services provided by SEO professionals and could also sell your own services on your terms and price. Here people are offering mass amount of services ranging from Article Translating to Webhosting or you could offer selling anything you want!


Getting paid or ordering is as easy as logging into the account. Simple money transactions can be made via PayPal or Payza. In case you don’t have any of them, just provide your profile e-mail for payments to receive.

3) Turn your Photography into an e-business!

It was recently that I came across a catchy line on a social media and that was “You are not a photographer, you just have got a good Camera”! That’s so true. These days, thanks to digitalization, all of us have got the potential to turn into a photographer and make money by selling high definition pictures online. All it needs is a little homework and time to get a hold of the skill.
Digital DSLR Camera with money

There are many sites that exclusively works on the same principle where either few of them sell random pictures from you or place an order to get perfect clicks for them.
Few sites are:
1)Photo Merchant


Being a writer myself, I have an additional vote for hubpages.com. If you think you are capable of playing with words and know how to put your thoughts down on paper, article writing is surely one of the decent ways to get recognition for your work and money equivalent altogether. Like many other sites like Squidoo.com and ezinearticles, hubpages.com shares the revenue with its member on the basis of readership been generated by their articles.
There are, however, few guidelines which, in case of failure can reject your articles leading to the waste of good amount of time.

5) Make money by uploading Files

How about earning money for uploading files and getting some dollars according to the number of downloads your uploaded files make? The idea itself sounds great, isn’t it? There are people who do not have technical skills or even the power of writings so this one is surely one of the best remedies for them. There are many sites that offer reasonable packages to their members, here are a few:

Payment on uploading: 50/50 revenue generated
Payment on uploading: $25 per1000 downloads
Payment on uploading: $1-100 for every 1000 downloads
Payment on uploading: $1 per 500 downloads
Payment on uploading: $0.22 for every 1000 picture views
What you need to consider here is the choice you make to upload the file. Think about uploading a video of your backyard and a solution manual of a physics book. Ask yourself that will people be interested in downloading your file? If yes, then figure out that why would they do so. A right choice can bring you good dollars while a lame one can actually eat your time without giving back any favors to you.

6)Earn with your iPhone!

It would be difficult to cover all aspects that an online earning medium covers. You can even make money with your iPhone and make a better use of it in spite of using it for casual activities. There are companies that are associated with the development of iPhone applications and need people to test their applications and provide them reviews. These companies offer an online support and no matter wherever you are situated, you can avail this opportunity and make considerable amount of money.
money with iphone
Few sites are:
Potential Earnings/Task: Approx $10
Potential Earnings/Task: $5- $90
Potential Earnings/Task: $3- $20
Adding some extra dollars in your pocket is wise, especially when you enjoy using your iPhone.

7)Enjoy Profit with Forex Trading

Forex is a Currency market where currency trading takes place, facilitating the exchange of currencies (similar to the currency exchangers where you buy or sell the currencies). These days when the online transactions have become the basic necessity of every single business, no matter, big or small, Forex provides a good way to make money utilizing the opportunity that is open for all equally, if they know a little about Forex and Forex Trading Principles.
Once done with signup, step 1 is done, now you are required to add money to your Forex account that you have planned to start trading with. If you have a PayPal Account, well enough, if not, good news is, you can transfer your amount with wire transfer and many other online money transfer options.
This is important to mention here that although the profits are great in forex trading; even the loss is unbearable at times. It is better to invest your “Extra Money” here only.

8) Facebook fan pages

People take Facebook as a Social Networking site only, however, it can turn into a business with profits that are beyond your imaginations. Simple Question that might be clicking all of you is-how? Isn’t it? With Facebook Fan Pages, you can make as much as you want, if you are innovative enough to target a huge audience.
make money on facebook

Social media is enjoying huge audience and getting started with a controversial/worth-following/happening fan page is a good option. What actually happens is, according to the reach and reputation of your fanpage, there are advisors who approach you for advertising their products/services on your page. All in all, it’s a great way to make money.

9) Make money By Online translation!

When you have nothing to cash, you at least have a language to use. Online medium covers this talent as well. There are sites that need online translators to make their products and services available in all languages.
Few sites are:
4. Proz
5. Trally
You can earn up to $200 a month depending on the package you chose for yourself.

10) Use triod.com

Triond is a different publishing platform, where anyone can sign up and start submitting content. You aren’t limited to just articles here; in fact, you can submit videos, images and what not. It is true that initially the site doesn’t brings huge rewards, but there is something to motivate the beginners.

Therefore, if you are looking forward to start your career online, you must judge you capabilities first and choose a right option for yourself. That brings us to the end of the topic for now, Share your views about the above stated ways and let us know your experiences related to them.
back linksHow To Make $1000 By Just Blogging

About Author:

Nida Zaidi loves exploring new ways to Make Money Online. She has always enjoyed making a living out of affiliate sales and through content writing. She is the co-author of all blogs under our network.

Follow her @Facebook

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Peter Mutiso on May 12, 2013, 2:05:00 AM said... # 1

Hi Zaidi,

A good collection of underestimated ways to earn money online. I agree 9 of them are underestimated, but seriously, is Facebook Fan Pages underestimated? I don't think so - guys are making millions with their pages.

Invite you to read Business Ideas
Make Money Online with Facebook Pages

Hafeez Khan on May 12, 2013, 2:08:00 AM said... # 2

Sister you have written an Awesome post for talented & for newbies who are willing to know how to earn money online. These are all really a good ways to earn money online. A very helpful posts about how to earn online money.

Sister could you tell me. Where is Mohammad Mustafa Bhai whats he doing these days. Will he come back.?

Efoghor Joseph Ezie on May 12, 2013, 9:27:00 AM said... # 3

There are numerous ways to make money online. The only problem we have is that we are not utilising the opportunities. I recently started using fiverr and dollar3; now I am making money on the sites.

Forex trading is a sure way to make money; but before you use this, be sure you have gone through some basic training otherwise you could lose all your money in a matter of minutes. But if done well, you can make a kill here.

As for the Facebook fanpage, I never saw it this way. Now that you just opened my eyes, I think I should give my facebook fanpages proper attention and earn money from there.

ADITYA,THE WONDER BOY on May 12, 2013, 10:11:00 AM said... # 4

When it comes to make some serious money over the web, then sky is the limit for ya...but the problem, you need to be careful from some scam sites, which are opened just to thug your efforts and time....I used Fiverr, trust me its fully legit.....Facebook fan pages are something that can provide you with real money, provided you are dealing with the advertisements related to your page's niche, otherwise you may loose a bulk number of fans...Hub pages are also very good.....but my favorite one is Point no. 5, i.e. Make money by uploading Files....

By the way Nidhi can you tell me which site is the best for uploading files, and earning from the total number of downloads other than docstoc's adsense revenue sharing...


Aditya Dey from Latest Current Affairs

Ravi Kumar on May 12, 2013, 10:47:00 AM said... # 5

Another awesome article Nida.You are really a master in writing articles related to making money online.I fully agree with the words of aditya.So many ways are there to earn money through internet but so many scam sites are there as well.Before putting their efforts, Users should check the details of site.

You have included almost all points but missed few as well like -earning money through reading mails in inbox,sending messages etc however they pay very very less.

How to write Search Engine Optimized Contents on Your Blog?

Junaid Raza on May 12, 2013, 12:42:00 PM said... # 6

I use to read this blog regularly. I loved the ideas of Qasim and Muhammad Mustafa. ANd now its you who inspired me. Well, as talking about your article, I thing Freelancers can get a number of platform where they can earn. Hubpages is also good for writers. but http://www.freelancer.com/ is the platform where all kind of freelancers can get online jobs and projects. Have you ever tried FreeLancer?

Ankit Kumar Singla on May 12, 2013, 2:04:00 PM said... # 7

Really effective ways to make money online. As bloggers want to increase their online earnings, they must try these methods.
Thanks for sharing.. :)

Shibbir Ahmad on May 12, 2013, 4:42:00 PM said... # 8

Thanks for sharing.

Anz Joy on May 12, 2013, 6:45:00 PM said... # 9

Qasim bro.
I have contacted you via the contact page.I have a problem.Please look into the matter and please let me know your reply..
Excellant Post though
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Nida Zaidi on May 12, 2013, 6:52:00 PM said... # 10

@ all
It feels great to make a comeback with a powerful post, I missed my MBT readers throughout the time I was busy on SEM.

Hope that all of you are doing great and just after I am done with my Exams, its Brother Qasim who is now trapped :)

@ Peter,
Thank you so much first of all for liking the efforts,
Facebook, for sure brings a huge revenue but again, the amount is time variant and you really need to learn how to make money by monitoring fanpages.
I am running some fanpages and I know it takes a hell out from you.

@ Hafeez,
Brother, Thanks a lot, I will keep it as a compliment :)
Brother Mustafa and I were having dreadful exam fever, Now that I am back, he will make a return journey soon :)

Keep your fingers crossed!

@Efoghor Joseph Ezie, Aditya,

Thank you so much for contributing, Aditya, I did share a good list in this article, check them out :)

@ Ravi
M blessed to have readers like you :)
The only reason I didnt mention your stated tips is that they actually pay very little.

@ Junaid,
Thank you Junaid, Keep Following Brother.
I have been making some money with freelancer, elance, odesk and that is why I know it aint that easy to grab your potential clients. Once you know how to attract your clients through two sentences, things are different, but again, very few out there know how to do it!

@ Ankit, Shibbir
Thank you :)

Sagar T Rajan on May 12, 2013, 10:41:00 PM said... # 11

Going to try fiverr.com. :) Thanks Nida Zaidito tell us 10 best ways to make money online.

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Goonoo Muazzam on May 13, 2013, 12:51:00 AM said... # 12

Hi sis...I'm happy that you are back. By the way, the Trally one (last link) is not working. Please see if you can give another one in its place. Thank you in advance.

Mauritian Techie

Icah Banjarmasin on May 13, 2013, 6:10:00 AM said... # 13

Hi..Nida how are you my friend really I like ypur post and thank you very much keep in touch from INDONESIA.

Debopam on May 13, 2013, 8:43:00 AM said... # 14

Nice collection........ Will help us a lot........... Will check and give feedback..........

Shifa Sayyad on May 13, 2013, 11:10:00 AM said... # 15

assalamaleykum baaji i am aasim from india..sorry topic se related comment na karne ko..par kya aap mujhe bata saqte ho kya visitors bina paise karch kar ke kaise badaye

Shifa Sayyad on May 13, 2013, 11:11:00 AM said... # 16

assalamaleykum baaji i am shifa from india..sorry topic se related comment na karne ko..par kya aap mujhe bata saqte ho kya visitors bina paise karch kar ke kaise badaye

Barrey Shelore on May 13, 2013, 11:24:00 AM said... # 17

I juz need to stat @least one for a stat ,either blogger. .fbk fan page advs,translator,using fiverr,etc.
I need your guide line.
Can yu plz share me the ways via my email adress. Shelorebarrey115@hotmail.com,
am juz a novice..
I have a blog without paypal acc.
I have a fbk acc withou a fan page.

Jason Golden on May 13, 2013, 4:20:00 PM said... # 18

I my be on a different thinking to you guys because I don't think these are underestimated ways really all of these ways are established way to make money for example forex and face book lots of people using these to make money

Tharun Raj on May 14, 2013, 12:20:00 PM said... # 19

let me ask something personal to MBT what is MBT earning per month...?

Mathew Brady on May 14, 2013, 5:02:00 PM said... # 20

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Nida Zaidi on May 15, 2013, 12:51:00 AM said... # 21

@Shifa Sayyad

All you need to do brother is to focus on the quality that you provide to your readers, first of all.

Secondly, no matter how great you write, you need to target happening topics initially that are searched the most by your potential readers.

Once you build a path towards your site, your next step should be to ensure that your readers should get back to your web again, which again depends on your consistency, efforts and quality of work

Best Wishes

don george on May 15, 2013, 4:32:00 PM said... # 22


interest ways of making money online ,doing or completing offers is a good ways of making extra cash.check out this blog cashcrategeek.blogspot.co.uk it showsyou some helpful tips of completing offer step by step.

Earning extra money with your iPhone sounds great,am gona give that a try

sarkari naukri 2013 on May 15, 2013, 6:24:00 PM said... # 23

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Muhammad Irfan on May 15, 2013, 8:03:00 PM said... # 24

Hi Zaidi Nice Collection of Make money methd. Great job.

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Wyes Karny on May 15, 2013, 8:27:00 PM said... # 25

Very good suggestions. This video can help you to earn money online. link youtu.be/JvZMs_Ob5sM

Johny Depp on May 16, 2013, 11:16:00 AM said... # 26

Glade to know the interesting and very easy methods of earning money.I go through all the video it is very interesting and very informative.Thanks for sharing this post.

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MohammAd NishAt on May 16, 2013, 3:21:00 PM said... # 27

nice.. thanks a lot for sharing..

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Aumi on May 17, 2013, 12:47:00 PM said... # 28

Correct your 2nd point heading
You have written "Use SEOclecks and make money"

It should be like "SEOClerks"

Good Luck

Daniel Benny Simanjuntak on May 18, 2013, 1:57:00 AM said... # 29

Be patient as you learn the ropes. There’s a lot to learn, but the best way to get inspired is to see how others have done it! :)

auin on May 20, 2013, 1:53:00 PM said... # 30

@Peter Mutiso
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CijayRumble on May 23, 2013, 3:49:00 AM said... # 31

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